Linking H. pylori to peptic ulcers…
Most stomach ulcers are caused by H. pylori – not by stress!
In 1982, two Australian scientists, Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren discovered that stomach ulcers were actually caused by H. Pylori.
The New York Times published an article in 1984, written by their medical correspondent Dr. Lawrence K. Altman on the link between H. pylori and peptic ulcer disease. He stated in 2002, “I’ve never seen the medical community more defensive or more critical of a story”, and he had been with the paper since 1969.
It took a total of 23 years for Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren to convince the medical profession to acknowledge and embrace their breakthrough discovery, and they were eventually awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005 for their work on H. Pylori.
Let’s go back in time…
The story of Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren started nearly 23 years before they won the Nobel Prize.
After years of intensive research, their discovery which established the link between infection of H. pylori and stomach ulcers was finally made way back in 1982.
Supporting evidence of the link between H. pylori and stomach ulcers quickly strengthened over the next 10 years. Many studies from around the world also confirmed without any doubt that there was a presence of the H. pylori bacterium in most people suffering from peptic ulcers.
The concept of stress and diet being the cause of peptic ulcers was so firmly entrenched in the mindset of the medical profession at the time, that they could not bring themselves to believe that a bacterium could possibly be the cause.
This newly discovered fact completely rocked common medical beliefs in those days. Nobody believed that H. pylori could survive in the acidic environment of the stomach, because the stomach was supposed to be kept sterile by the natural presence of aggressive gastric juices (hydrochloric acid).
Then, a leap of faith and courage…
To disprove the belief that H. pylori could not survive in the acidic environment of the stomach, Dr. Barry Marshall performed an experiment on himself in July 1984 that for ethical reasons he could not ask any healthy person to do.
He was first checked for bacterial infection and tested negative. He then swallowed a 3 day culture of H. pylori. As he expected, seven days later he started feeling sick with headaches, nausea, episodes of vomiting, and really bad breath.
Although he didn’t develop an ulcer, he did suffer from gastritis (stomach inflammation). After ten days, tests showed that the H. pylori bacterium had established itself in Dr. Marshall’s stomach. After 2 weeks, Dr. Marshall began taking an antibiotic and he was back to normal within twenty-four hours.
His bold experiment was a success as he had proved that a healthy person could easily be infected by H. pylori.
10 years later… eventually acknowledgment is made
By the 1990s discussions had shifted from the question of whether H. pylori causes peptic ulcers, to questions on how it causes ulcers and how it can be treated.
Thus, the theory of the unbelievers had been broken – they argued that people with ulcers had weak immune systems and that H. pylori was only effectively infecting people with ulcers because of their weakened immune systems.
Today there is absolutely no doubt that H. pylori is the cause of 80% – 90% of all stomach ulcers. There is still a lot of discussion on whether it can be the sole cause or if it needs a sidekick, like stress or spicy foods.
The bottom line regarding the correlation between H. pylori and ulcers is most clearly shown in the recurrence rates after treatment. The ulcer recurrence rate at 1 year is about 10% if H. Pylori is treated successfully, and 50% – 60% if it is not.
What other diseases is H. pylori bacterium linked to?
Recent studies show that apart from peptic ulcers, other diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even 50 % of new gastric cancer cases are linked to the presence of H. pylori bacterium.
Another new discovery is that 65 – 70% of people infected with H. pylori also suffer from Candida Overgrowth, the most probable cause being antibiotic treatments.
Is there a safe & effective solution to H. pylori?
There definitely is, but you need to be very careful when looking for a treatment or remedy that is going to work for you. As you may have experienced already, the most common treatments are nowhere near as effective as you would expect them to be.
By now you have also probably figured out why most doctors are not telling you all you need to know about helicobacter pylori infections, or about the treatments that they are limited to prescribing. We hope the facts we reveal to all on this site will help you to avoid accepting a treatment that may not work for you.
H. pylori is not invincible… the answer lies here!
After years of research, a tried and tested natural solution entered the global market in late 2006, and this one really stands out from the rest! Independent tests published on this site prove that this is a complete breakthrough in the safe and effective treatment of H. pylori bacteria.
Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that this safe yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available. To date over 98% of more than 55,000 people* who have purchased this treatment have tested negative for H. pylori – after just one 30-day course of treatment.
Virtually no negative effects*… and a Money-Back Guarantee?
The best news is that this treatment has a money-back guarantee* and because it’s natural, you won’t be exposed to the negative effects associated with chemical-based treatments!
In addition, our Natural Health team also guarantees ongoing support for you with ulcer and H. pylori related issues – for as long as you need it.
Ready to learn more? Simply click on the button below to see how you too can start regaining your good health once more.

*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.
Bibliography & References
The following articles relate to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and its association with stomach ulcers;
- Bernstein, S. and Gleim, S. (2023). H. pylori Infection: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment.
- Marshall, B. J., & Warren, J. R. (1984). Unidentified curved bacilli in the stomach of patients with gastritis and peptic ulceration. The Lancet, 323(8390), 1311-1315.
- Gisbert, J. P., & Calvet, X. (2009). Review article: Helicobacter pylori-negative duodenal ulcer disease. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 30(8), 791-815.
- Labenz, J., & Börsch, G. (1994). Role of Helicobacter pylori eradication in the prevention of peptic ulcer bleeding relapse. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 39(4), 762-765.
- Peterson, W. L. (1991). Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 324(15), 1043-1048.
- Malfertheiner, P., Chan, F. K. L., & McColl, K. E. L. (2009). Peptic ulcer disease. The Lancet, 374(9699), 1449-1461.
- Graham, D. Y., & Yamaoka, Y. (2000). Disease-specific Helicobacter pylori virulence factors: the unfulfilled promise. Helicobacter, 5(Suppl 1), S3-S9.