Correct Diagnosis – THE KEY to correct treatment

Some tests are completely inconclusive – so beware!

Diagnosing stomach ulcers correctly is the key to making sure you get the correct treatment. There are a number of methods of diagnosis, and unfortunately, some of these are completely inconclusive. We encourage you to exercise care by insisting on getting the right tests – after all you are the one who is paying.

Listed below are different methods your doctor may use for diagnosing stomach ulcers, and to identify the root cause. You need to see a doctor for a diagnosis of your stomach ulcer as soon as you start showing symptoms.

The first thing your doctor should be looking for is an infection of H. pylori bacteria – simply because this is proven to be the main cause of stomach ulcers.

Diagnosing stomach ulcers properly is just the first step – you now need to make an informed decision about which treatment will work best for you.

At this point you have two options – you could choose to stay with your doctor for drug therapy which is not guaranteed to work – or you could decide to go for an effective natural alternative, like Matula Tea, which is guaranteed to remove H. pylori safely without any side effects.

Don’t ever feel obliged to stick with your doctor for treatment as well, just because he has given you a diagnosis. And don’t ever be pushed into drug therapy or surgery. Take some time to check out other avenues first!

Methods of Diagnosis

Endoscopy and Biopsy
An endoscopy is an accurate form of diagnosis for ulcers. An endoscope is a long, flexible tube with an attached camera. It is threaded down your throat and esophagus into your stomach and duodenum. Using the camera, your doctor can view your digestive tract and stomach cavity and see if there are any ulcers present.

A small sample (biopsy) is taken from the lining of your stomach and small intestine during an endoscopy. While the diagnosis is very accurate for ulcers, the results from the tests performed on a biopsy are not always consistent.

Your doctor may begin your diagnosis with an X-ray – this will show an outline of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Prior to the X-ray picture is taken, you will be asked to swallow a white liquid, called barium or barium meal. This forms a coating on your digestive tract and makes an ulcer more visible on the X-ray.

An X-ray can only detect some ulcers, but not all. X-rays cannot detect the presence of any H. pylori bacteria.

Breath test
This often-used test offers a fairly accurate diagnosis of your stomach ulcer. It is non-invasive which is a good thing for the more sensitive patients, but it is also very expensive.

It involves using a radioactive carbon atom to detect H. pylori bacteria. What happens is that your first breath is captured and sealed in a small plastic bag. You then have to drink a small glass of liquid containing radioactive carbon as part of a substance (urea) that will be broken down by H. pylori.

Thirty minutes later, a second breath sample is captured. If your second breath sample contains radioactive carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, then this indicates that you may be infected with H. pylori.

As mentioned, this is a very expensive test, and our research has shown that the results can be inconsistent. This has been proved when running a breath test concurrently with an HpSA test on the same patient.

Blood tests
A blood test checks for the presence of H. pylori antibodies, not for the bacteria itself.

If you have never been treated for H. pylori before, a blood test can be relied on for an accurate diagnosis.

A positive result in these circumstances indicates that you are extremely likely to have a current infection, and this obviously means that you will need to start seeking effective treatment.

Stool antigen test ( HpSA)
This super-accurate test checks to see if substances that trigger the immune system to fight an H. pylori infection (H. pylori antigens) are present in your feces (stool).

This test delivers an accurate account of your current H. pylori status. If the H. pylori bacteria is NOT detected after treatment, then this is accurate proof that the treatment has been successful. ELISA HpSA test is an advanced and accurate test and is still recognized as a benchmark test in this field. This test provides conclusive proof of the presence of H. pylori bacteria.

GI-MAP Stool test
The Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP) was designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample, with particular attention to microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance and may contribute to perturbations in the gastrointestinal (GI) flora or illness. We recommend this test as it is super accurate and delivers very conclusive results.

At last! A treatment that works – as you would expect!

If you have already been on Triple or Quadruple therapy and it failed, then just maybe you are feeling disheartened and disappointed because you believed that your doctor had given you the best treatment possible?

Well, that’s partly true – because Triple or Quadruple therapies are the only two treatments that most doctors know of. But as you know, these do not always work for everyone.

The good news is that there are other avenues that hardly ever get investigated, like natural medicine….and this is when you need to get the information that your doctor may not have. The information you need is right here, and we promise that you will not be disappointed!

IT’S A PROVEN FACT! To be free from stomach ulcers – you have to be free from H. pylori infection.

NO H. pylori means NO Stomach Ulcers!

Stomach ulcers caused by h .pylori will not just go away…
…you need to treat the H. pylori infection first

Stomach ulcers will not go away without using a treatment that will remove H. pylori first. This is the widely accepted method of treatment for ulcers caused by h. pylori infection.

H. pylori infections and stomach ulcers can get worse when left untreated – and when treatments fail!

So, your best course of action is to make sure you get a treatment that is guaranteed to work the first time around.

When your health is at stake you should not be taking any chances with treatments that do not work, or that don’t at least guarantee results. Click here or on the button below to see how to easily filter out treatments that probably won’t work for you.

It’s a fact that diets and supplements will not clear H. pylori – at best they may offer temporary relief of some symptoms. The most commonly prescribed treatments have high failure rates and only work for some people – if those people are able to cope with the harsh side effects. But! If you want to get better first time around, read on!

There is a safe and effective way to get rid of stomach ulcers and H. pylori without any further risk to your health – or your finances. Simply click on one of the buttons and see how…


*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.

Bibliography & References

Here is a list of references for articles relating to the latest diagnostic methods for stomach ulcers;

  • Emma Sverdén, Lars Agréus, Jason M. Dunn, and Jesper Lagergren (2023) – Peptic Ulcer Disease – Published in The BMJ (2023)​
  • Mayo Clinic Staff – Peptic Ulcer – Diagnosis and Treatment (2023)
  • Chey, W. D., & Wong, B. C. Y. (2007). American College of Gastroenterology guideline on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 102(8), 1808-1825.
  • Sonnenberg, A. (2013). Review article: historic changes of Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 38(4), 329-342.
  • Kim, J. M., Kim, J. S., Jung, H. C., & Song, I. S. (2009). The usefulness of a rapid stool antigen test for detection of Helicobacter pylori: a prospective study. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 21(6), 607-610.
  • Malfertheiner, P., Megraud, F., O’Morain, C. A., Gisbert, J. P., Kuipers, E. J., Axon, A. T., … & Sugano, K. (2017). Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report. Gut, 66(1), 6-30.
  • Calvet, X., Sanchez-Delgado, J., Montserrat, A., Lario, S., Ramírez-Lázaro, M. J., Quesada, M., … & Bory, F. (2009). Accuracy of diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori: a reappraisal. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 48(10), 1385-1391.
  • Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FN – How Peptic Ulcer Disease Is Diagnosed (2023)


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Our Natural Health team is always available to answer any questions you may have about the symptoms and treatment of stomach ulcers and helicobacter pylori infections. We offer ongoing professional advice to ensure you regain your good health safely.
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