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To start downloading, simply click on the text links or on the images. Wait a few seconds and the book or report you chose will be available on your device or your computer.

We recommend that you add this page to your Favorites for easy reference in the future. Alternatively, you can save a copy of the Digital Book or eReport to your hard drive once you have opened the document by clicking on the links below.

To Read Digital Books and eReports……
…. you will need Adobe® Reader

You will need Adobe® Reader on your system to be able to read this book. If you don’t already have Adobe® Reader installed, please click on the button below to get a free download. It’s fast and easy to do.

Download BONUS #1

‘The Complete Digestive Health Guide’

When you bought Matula Tea, you qualified for this FREE copy of our Digital Book titled ‘The Complete Digestive Health Guide’.

You will also start receiving a free miniseries of emails from our Natural Health team explaining how to get the most out of your treatment.

We will be guiding you throughout the duration of your treatment, right up to when you take your final HpSA of GI-MAP stool test to determine the effectiveness of your treatment.

Download BONUS #2

‘Candida Overgrowth – Special Report’

You also qualified for a FREE copy of this special report on Candida Overgrowth.

More than 60% of people with H. pylori infections will also have Candida Overgrowth problems – and they won’t even know about it. Candida Overgrowth is so closely linked to H. pylori infections and due to similar symptoms, the two can easily be confused.

So, whether you have H. pylori or not, you need to read this report!

You will also receive some emails from us about Candida. To ensure we do not cause ‘information overload’, we will only send these emails in a week. That will give you time to digest the H. pylori related information first!

candida report

Download BONUS #3

The Acid Reflux Report’

If you are suffering from Acid Relux, then you will find this in-depth information really useful!

Most people will suffer from this frustrating condition at some time, so this is well worth keeping, ready to use when the need arises.

Learn more about what causes Acid Reflux, and how to cope with Acid Reflux symptoms naturally.

Download – Bonus #4

‘The H. Pylori & Stomach Ulcer Report’

This eReport contains in-depth information gathered from many different sources (doctors, naturopaths, and other digestive health experts) and delivers what you really need to know about H. pylori and stomach ulcers.

Reading this report will put your mind at rest and you will receive important advice and information that would normally take many hours to get through regular consultations with your doctor.

An invaluable source of information that can potentially save you from spending on unnecessary doctors visits.

FREE Viewing – Bonus #5

‘FREE videos by H. pylori expert David Hompes’

Get immediate FREE access to a collection of online videos, by Dave Hompes who is one of the world’s leading experts on H pylori.

His informative videos cover topics such as H pylori, ulcers, antacid medications, parasites, and general digestive health in extraordinary detail.

Dave’s goal is to educate you on how you can optimize your digestive health and energy levels so that you can stop relying on harmful and expensive medical drugs and take control of your own health!

Click here, or on his image below to view;

Almost Priceless! – Bonus #6

‘Access to our Natural Health Team’

When you buy Matula Tea, you don’t just get a product. You also get unlimited email access to our Natural Health Team who will gladly give detailed answers to any questions you may have, and offer any further support you may need to help you get better faster.

Within a few hours, you will also start receiving the first of our 5-part email mini-series.

These emails contain valuable health tips and important information and that you can start digesting and preparing yourself with, while you are waiting for your order to arrive on your doorstep.

BONUS #7 – the best bonus of all…

our unique Double Guarantee!
 money-back guarantee
Service is guaranteed


We only promote 100% natural products that have been clinically tested by renowned professionals, and which are proven to be highly effective and completely safe. We publish all clinical test results, so you can see the effectiveness of our products before you buy.
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No Risk

We offer a Money Back Guarantee because we want you to have complete peace of mind when you decide to purchase the products we recommend. Our aim is to help you to regain your good health safely and effectively – with zero risk to your health, and zero risk to your finances.
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Our Natural Health team is always available to answer any questions you may have about the symptoms and treatment of stomach ulcers and helicobacter pylori infections. We offer ongoing professional advice to ensure you regain your good health safely.
Contact Us ->>